

This document describes Turbine 1.0. You can find documentation for Version 1.1 (which is currently in beta state) in the new docs.

Turbine is a PHP-powered tool that introduces a new way for writing CSS. It's syntax and features are designed to decrease css development time and web developer headache. Turbine takes this …

// Welcome to Turbine!
@media screen

#foo, #bar
    margin-left, margin-right: 4px
    div.alpha, div.beta
… and turns it into …
@media screen {
    #foo, #bar {
        color: #FF0000;
        margin-left: 4px;
        margin-right: 4px;
    #foo div.alpha, #foo div.beta, #bar div.alpha, #bar div.beta {
        font-weight: bold;
        border-radius: 4px;

…or, if you like fast-loading websites, directly into this (which is automatically cached, gezipped and served with the correct expires headers):

@media screen{#foo,#bar{color:#F00;margin-left:4px;margin-right:4px}#foo div.alpha,#foo div.beta,#bar div.alpha,#bar div.beta{font-weight:bold;-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;-khtml-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px}}

Turbine can save you a lot of typing and time and allow you to focus on a website's design and functionality instead of css's limitations, page performance or your least favourite browser's latest bugs. Think jQuery for CSS. Being fully extensible, you can customize Turbine to your liking.

Goals and Features

Turbine's basic features include:

  • Minmal syntax – the less you have to type, the more you get done
  • Packing, gzipping and automatic minification of multiple css files
  • Constants (also known as "css variables") and selector aliases
  • Oop-like inheritance, extension and templating features
  • Nested css selectors
  • Built-in device-, browser- and os sniffing
  • Fully exensible through a very simple plugin system

While Turbine's basic features may save you some keystrokes, it's plugins automate and simplify some of the more tedious and complicated aspects of writing css. See the plugins section for details.


Installation and setup


Simply download the latest public release from Github and unpack it to a directory on your web server. There are no requirements beside PHP 5.2.

Global configuration

Turbine has two sets of configuration options - one on a per-file-basis and one on a global level. These global configuration options are set in the file config.php. The following settings are availiable:

Option Effect Default
debug_level Disable all error messages (0), enable web developer debugging messages (1) or enable all error messages (2). Setting this to anything but 0 also disables Turbine's server-side cache. 1
css_base_dir Sets the base directory for the css and cssp files
minify_css Leave css files unchanged by Turbine (false) or minify them (true) true

Security notice: As of version 1.0.5 Turbine can only access files in the css_base_dir to prevent directory traversal.

Adding Turbine files to HTML documents

Turbine files are simple text files with the extension .cssp. To use Turbine, embed css.php in your HTML like a normal css file and add the files argument containing a list of Turbine files separated by semicolons.


The base path for the files can be changed in the file config.php (css_base_dir). You can also include regular css files, which will be output unchanged (or minified, if the minify_css configuration option is set to true).

The files as processed in sequence and don't influence each other in any way. For example, constants defined in file1 won't apply to code in file2. If you want share code between files, use the loader plugin.

Setting up your editor

There's basic Turbine support for Dreamweaver, UltraEdit and GtkSourceView.


You can find an extension for Dreamweaver in resources/editors/dreamweaver. This extension adds .cssp-files to Dreamweaver's list of supported filetypes, puts in place some code highlighting and autocompletion (code hinting) for Turbine files. To install the extension, just double click turbine.mxp, or open the Extension Manager and select File → Install Extension…, browse for turbine.mxp and select it.

Dreamweaver code view


Follow this guide on how to add the Turbine wordfile resources/editors/ultraedit/turbine.uew to UltraEdit. Use the tags listed in resources/editors/ultraedit/turbine.txt to complete your tag list.

UntraEdit source view


The language file for GtkSourceView adds syntax highlighting to editors like Gedit and Anjuta. Simply copy the file turbine.lang from resources/editors/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs to either ~/.local/share/editors/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs or /usr/local/share/editors/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs.

GtkSourceView highlighting in action


The Turbine.tmbundle adds syntax highlighting with a small property and plugin documentation for TextMate. Simply copy the file Turbine.tmbundle from resources/editors/textmate to ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles. Now select Bundles → Bundle Editor → Reload Bundles from within TextMate.

Turbine code in TextMate

Basic syntax

The one important thing about Turbine's syntax is that it is all about lines. The context of any statements in the code depends of the context of the statement's line.

Selectors and rules

Turbine's syntax works a bit like Python – the level of indentation instead of curly braces decides the context of a given line. A simple rule looks like this:

#foo div > p               // Selector
    color:red              // Property and value
    font-weight:bold       // Property and value

The way Turbine determines if a given line is a selector or a property-value-pair is the indentation level of the following line:

#foo div > p               // Next line is indented = this is a selector
    span                   // Next line is indented = this is a selector

This behavior allows nested selectors, which can be quite powerful (see nested selectors). You can use any number or combination of spaces and tabs for indentation, but be careful to keep your indentation constistent in the whole file.

Semicolons at the end of values are not required, but you can use them to put multiple declarations in one line:

#foo div > p
    color:red; font-weight:bold
        color:blue; font-style:italic


There a two kinds of comments available: single line comments that start with // …

// Hello world

… and block comments that start with a line containing nothing but -- and end with the same:

Hello world
This is a block comment

@media rules

@media-rules in Turbine a simple switches. Each @media line ends the previous @media block and opens a new one.

@media screen // Open screen block

@media print // Close screen block, open print block

@media projection // Close print block, open projection block

@media screen // Close projection block, open screen block

@media block of the same type will be merged, so the resulting css looks like the following:

@media screen {
    #foo {
        background: red;
    #bar {
        font.weight: bold;

@media print {
    #foo {
        background: green;

@media projection {
    #foo {
        background: blue;

If you need to end an @media block without opening a new one, you can do so using @media none.

@media screen


@media none



#bar {
	color: green;
@media screen {
	#foo {
		color: red;


There a a few reserved prefixes for properties, values and selectors:

Prefix Context Effect
$ Selector Selector alias, will be replaced by the selector defined in @aliases (see Constants and aliases)
Value Constant, will be replaced by the value defined in @constants (see Constants and aliases)
$_ Value Special constant ($_SCRIPTPATH, $_FILEPATH, see Constants and aliases)
? Selector Template - whole element will be removed before output but properties can be inherited from it (see Templating)
& Value Expression (currently not used by Turbine or any plugin)


The configuration options of Turbine can be set in the stylesheets themselves &ndash a @turbine block (called configuration block) allows for options to be set like properties and values in normal CSS code. There are at the moment two things that can be controlled there: compression and plugins.


Turbine can output CSS code in a minified form.




That's a good thing to have since everybody likes smaller downloads and the CSS code generates tends to be more verbose than handwritten CSS anyway. To enable compression simply add compress:1; to your configuration block.


To active a plugin, simply add it's name to the plugins property (the order doesn't matter):

    plugins:resetstyle, datauri, borderradius

Turbine has a set of core plugins that greatly enhance the functionality of Turbine. If you know a bit of PHP you can easily build your own plugins.

Advanced syntax features

Expanding properties

if you want to use multiple properties with the same value inside a selector, you can take advantage of expanding properties. This allows you to use properties as a comma-separated list …

    top, left:4px

which Turbine expands into multiple css rules:

#foo {
    position: absolute;
    top: 4px;
    left: 4px;

Nested selectors

Turbine implements nested css selectors using a simple principle: whenever the next line is indented, to current line is used as a selector and combined with it's parent selectors.

#foo div > p
    a:link, a:visited
    a:hover, a:active
        outline:1px dotted #CCC

The nested code above compiles to the following css:

#foo div > p {
    color: red;
    font-weight: bold;
#foo div > p a:link, #foo div > p a:visited {
    text-decoration: underline;
#foo div > p a:hover, #foo div > p a:active {
    text-decoration: none;
#foo div > p a:focus {
    outline: 1px dotted #CCC;

Without nested selectors you would have to have typed a lot more #foo div > p. Nested selectors can become a bit confusing if you overuse them, but with a bit of moderation they can save quite a bit of typing. Consider this example:

#header, #footer
    ul, ol, p
        a:link, a:visited
        a:active, a:hover


#header ul a:link, #header ul a:visited,
#header ol a:link, #header ol a:visited,
#header p a:link, #header p a:visited,
#footer ul a:link, #footer ul a:visited,
#footer ol a:link, #footer ol a:visited,
#footer p a:link, #footer p a:visited {
	text-decoration: underline;
#header ul a:active, #header ul a:hover,
#header ol a:active, #header ol a:hover,
#header p a:active, #header p a:hover,
#footer ul a:active, #footer ul a:hover,
#footer ol a:active, #footer ol a:hover,
#footer p a:active, #footer p a:hover {
	text-decoration: none;

Multi-line selectors

A selector can span multiple lines if each line except the last one ends with a comma:


To avoid confusion it is recommended to use aliases for complex selectors instead.

CSS injection

In case you need to insert css without Turbine messing with it, you can use the @css prefix. Any lines that begin with @css will appear in the output completely unchanged (except for the @css prefix which is removed).

@css @-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://), url-prefix(ftp://){


@css }


@-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://), url-prefix(ftp://){
#foo {
	color: red;

If you have to use css hacks, this is the way to go.


If you want to use images or embed fonts, please note that all paths are relative to css.php! You can define constants or use the special constants $_SCRIPTPATH and $_FILEPATH to work with this. See below for a detailed explaination of constants.

Constants and aliases


Constants (also known as "css variables") allow you to define your own easy-to-remember shortcuts for complicated hex colors or long font stacks. They can be used for any css property and are case-sensitive.


    background:url($imagePath/foo.png) top left no-repeat
#foo {
    color: #C02222;
    background: url(/assets/images/foo.png) top left no-repeat;

Special constants

The constants defined in in an @turbine block only apply to the current .cssp file. There are two special constants that apply globally and that are always made availiable by Turbine:

  1. $_SCRIPTPATH: The path to css.php
  2. $_FILEPATH: The path to the current .cssp file


Aliases are constants applied to selectors insted of values. Don't want to remember the complicated #wrapper #header > div ul? You don't have to:

    mainNavigation: #wrapper #header > div ul


The @aliases block defines mainNavigation as an alias of #wrapper #header > div ul, which results us to the following css code:

#wrapper #header > div ul {
    list-style: none

Aliases, like constants, are case-sensitive.


All .cssp are processed completly independent from each other. Inside the files, constants and aliases apply only to the @media-block they are defined in. The exception is the set of constents defined outside of any block – they apply to the whole file.


    mycolor:#F00 // Defined outside of any @media block = applies _globally_

@media screen

    myothercolor:#00F // Defined in @media block = applies _only_ in the screen block


@media print

    background:$myothercolor // Won't work as "myothercolor" is only defined for the "screen" block, but not for "print"


@media screen {
    #foo {
        color: #F00;
        background: #00F;

@media print {
    #foo {
        color: #F00;
        background: $myothercolor;

Inheritance and Prototyping

Turbine's inheritance, prototyping and copying features allow you to pass around chunks of properties and values between elements in your code. Note that @font-face and @import elements can copy and interit properties from other elements, but they cannot be copied or inherited from.

Copying values from other elements

To simply copy a value from a property in another selector, you can use the copy(selector property) syntax:


    color:copy(#foo color)


#foo {
    color: #F00
#bar {
    color: #F00

Copying from other properties

The copied and copying properties don't have to be the same:


    color:copy(#foo background)


#foo {
    color: #F00
#bar {
    background: #F00

Copying with aliases

Copying works with aliases too. If you want to copy the color value from $foo to #bar, you can simple use copy($foo color):

    foo: #header > div.foobar


    background:copy($foo color)


#header > div.foobar {
    color: blue;
#bar {
    background: blue;

Extending other elements

Turbine's extends let elements inherit complete sets of properties from other elements, which are merged with the element's own properties:




#parent {
	color: red;
	font-weight: bold;
div.child {
	margin: 4px;
	color: red;
	font-weight: bold;

If a property is already defined in a element extends will not overwrite it:




#parent {
	color: red;
	font-weight: bold;
div.child {
	font-weight: normal;
	color: red;

For inheritance from multiple sources, the parent elements must be quoted because of the comma character (which otherwise might be part of a selector as well as a list sepperator):



    extends:"#parent1", "#parent2"


#parent1 {
	color: red;
#parent2 {
	font-weight: bold;
div.child {
	color: red;
	font-weight: bold;


Using prototypes

The ? prefix allows you to define elements that will be removed before output but from which properties can be inherited or copied from (see prefixes). These elements can be used to declare complete building blocks for your real css elements:

// Prototypes

    margin, padding:4px




// "Real" elements

    extends:"?box", "?whiteBox"

    extends:"?box", "?blackBox", "?roundedBox"


div.whiteSqare {
	margin: 4px;
	padding: 4px;
	background: #FFF;
div.blackRound {
	margin: 4px;
	padding: 4px;
	background: #000;
	border-radius: 8px;

Recycling prototypes

The loader plugin allows you (among other things) to build a library of prototypes, store them in an external file and include them when you need them. The code for the black and white boxes above could then be shortend to the following:

@load url(myBoxTemplates.cssp)

    extends:"?box", "?whiteBox"

    extends:"?box", "?blackBox", "?roundedBox"

An additional bonus of building external libraries is that you can re-use them in all of your coming projects.

Core plugins

Simple @font-face

Generates @font-face declarations from a simplified syntax.

Bulletproof @font-face syntax is a syntax for embedding web fonts in a manner that works for all browsers and takes care of numerous browser quirks. Its only downside is that it's rather complicated:

@font-face {
	font-family: 'Graublau Web';
	src: url('GraublauWeb.eot');
	src: local('Graublau Web Regular'), local('Graublau Web'),
		url("GraublauWeb.woff") format("woff"),
		url("GraublauWeb.otf") format("opentype"),
		url("GraublauWeb.svg#grablau") format("svg");

The @font-face syntax plugin generates browser-specific @font-face declarations from a very simplified syntax.


  1. Add fontface to @turbine plugin list
  2. Put all different font-files into one directory and give them the same basename, e.g. "SaginaMedium":
    • SaginawMedium.eot
    • SaginawMedium.woff
    • SaginawMedium.otf
    • SaginawMedium.ttf
    • SaginawMedium.svg
  3. Build a special @font-face-rule with a single src-property pointing not to a real file but to the common basename, e.g. "src:url('fonts/SaginawMedium')"
  4. The plugin will look after any known fontfile format by appending the suffixes .eot, .woff, .otf, .ttf and .svg.
    • For IE <= 8 it will serve the .eot-file if there is one named fonts/SaginawMedium.eot.
    • For the other browser it will serve as many of the other flavors as available.
      A truetype-file will only be served when there is no opentype-file available.




Result for IE <= 8:

@font-face {
	font-family: 'SaginawMedium';
	src: url("fonts/SaginawMedium.eot");
	font-weight: bold;
	font-style: italic;

Result for all other browsers:

@font-face {
	font-family: 'SaginawMedium';
	src: url("fonts/SaginawMedium.woff") format("woff"),
	   url("fonts/SaginawMedium.ttf") format("truetype"),
	   url("fonts/SaginawMedium.svg#SaginawMedium") format("svg");
	font-weight: bold;
	font-style: italic;

Background gradient

Converts proprietary gradient code into vendor-specific gradient code.

This plugin creates a cross-browser linear vertical or horizontal background gradient (angles or radial gradient not supported). As this CSS3 property is still very alpha we pick up W3C's current draft's syntax for a simple two-colored linear gradients.
For Mozilla, WebKit and Konquror we use their very differing vendor-specific gradient implementation syntax, for Opera we assign a dynamically created SVG-file as background-image, and for IE we make use of a gradient-filter.


Add backgroundgradient to your @turbine plugins rule and start using linear-gradient following W3C's current draft's syntax for a simple two-colored linear gradient within a background-image or background property:

    background: linear-gradient(<direction>,<startcolor>,<endcolor>);
Possible values for the direction
  • top: Gradient starting at the top, going to the bottom
  • left: Gradient starting at the left, going to the right
Possible values for the colors
  • HEX, e.g. #FFF
  • RGB, e.g. rgb(255,255,255)
  • RGBA, e.g. rgba(255,255,255,0.3)


Vertical gradient, from top to bottom, from white to black

    background-image: linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000)

Result for Mozilla:

#foo {
    background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000);

Result for WebKit:

#foo {
    background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#FFF),to(#000));

Result for Konqueror:

#foo {
    background-image: -khtml-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#FFF),to(#000));

Result for Opera:

#foo {
    background-image: url(/turbine/plugins/backgroundgradient/svg.php?direction=top&startcolor=#fff&endcolor=#000) 0 0 repeat;

Result for IE 6 & 7:

#foo {
    background-image: linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#FFFFFFFF,endColorstr=#FF000000,gradientType=0);

Result for IE 8:

#foo {
    background-image: linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000);
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#FFFFFFFF,endColorstr=#FF000000,gradientType=0)";

Border radius

Automatically adds vendor-specific versions of border-radius and implements some shortcuts.

Webkit and Mozilla browsers require vendor-specific prefixes for the CSS3 property border-radius. This plugin automatically inserts all of them wherever a border-radius property is found. Additionally, the plugin provides shortcuts for adding rounded corners only on the left, right, top or bottom side of an element: border-left-radius, border-right-radius, border-top-radius, border-bottom-radius.


Add borderradius to your @turbine plugins rule and start using border-radius like the standard border-radius CSS3 property.


Automatic vendor-specific versions



#foo {
    -moz-border-radius: 4px;
    -khtml-border-radius: 4px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
    border-radius: 4px;
Left side only shortcut


#foo {
    -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px;
    -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 4px;
    -khtml-border-top-left-radius: 4px;
    -khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
    -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px;
    -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
    border-top-left-radius: 4px;
    border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;

Box shadow

Automatically adds vendor-specific versions of box-shadow.

Webkit and Mozilla browsers require vendor-specific prefixes for the CSS3 property box-shadow. This plugin automatically inserts them wherever a box-shadow property is found and also adds proprietary filters for Internet Explorer.


Add boxshadow to your @turbine plugins rule and start using box-shadow like the standard box-shadow CSS3 property.



    box-shadow:2px 2px 8px #000


#foo {
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px #000;
    -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px #000;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px #000;
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color='#000000',Direction=135,Strength=2)";
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color='#000000',Direction=135,Strength=2);

Box sizing

Automatically adds vendor-specific versions of box-sizing.

Webkit and Mozilla browsers require vendor-specific prefixes for the CSS3 property box-sizing. This plugin automatically inserts them wherever a box-sizing property is found and also adds a proprietary behavior for Internet Explorer.


Add boxshadow to your @turbine plugins rule and start using box-shadow to declare which box model to use. The following values are available:

  • content-box: Standard W3C box model
  • border-box: The width and height properties of an element include the padding and border, but not the margin
  • inherit: Same as the parant element (default)





#foo {
	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
	behavior: url(plugins/boxsizing/boxsizing.htc);
	box-sizing: border-box;

Browser and platform sniffer

Includes or excludes css rules based on the viewer's browser, operating system or platform.

The browser and platform sniffer allows you to use Turbine's build-in browser sniffer for your cssp files. It allows you to include or exclude css rules based on the viewer's browser, operating system or platform, precisely targeting browser, engine or os versions (windows only).

Warning: Browser sniffing is always a complicated, messy and unreliable business. Don't use this plugin unless you think you really know what you're doing!


Add add sniffer to your @turbine plugins rule and use the browser, engine, os and device properties.

Use cases
  • Progressive enhancement
  • Hide @font-face from Windows XP to circumvent XP's rendering problems with non-windows fonts
  • Hide or display nagging Update your browser! messages to IE6 users


device property

The device property allows you to target mobile devices or desktop computers:

// Show red text only for dektop computers

// Show green text only for mobile devices

To exclude devices, use the ^ operator at the beginning of the value of a device property:

// No red text for mobile devices

You can use the following values for the device property:

  • desktop
  • mobile
os property

The os property allows you to target operating systems:

// Show red text only for windows

// Show green text only for mac os

You can target the different versions of windows (and only windows) too:

// Show red text only for windows versions equal or newer than vista

// Show green text only for windows xp

To exclude operating systems, use the ^ operator as usual:

// No red text for linux

You can use the following values for the os property:

  • windows
  • mac
  • linux
  • unix (Includes FreeBSD, OpenBSD etc)
  • Some mobile phone vendors (BlackBerry, NetFront) may also work as a value for os but this is really unreliable.

The following windows versions can be targeted:

  • 95
  • nt4
  • 98
  • me
  • 2000 or 2k
  • xp
  • 2003 or 2k3
  • vista
  • windows7 or win7 or 7
browser property

The browser property doesn't target individual browsers but rather browser families. For example Flock, Songbird, Minefield and Firefor are all members of the firefox family. To target one or multiple families, simply add their names to the browser property of an element:

// Show red text only for firefox and opera
    browser:firefox opera

You can target browser versions too:

// Show red text only for firefox versions newer than 3.5

// Show green text only for safari 4

This also works for all browsers from the Firefox family with engine versions that are on par with firefox versions newer than 3.5. Version numbers must be floats (e.g. to target Firefox 3.6.4 you have to write browser:firefox=3.64).

To exclude browsers, use the ^ operator as usual:

// No red text for chrome

The device browser property can, like all properties of this plugin, also be used inside the @turbine element. This will affect the stylesheet as a whole:

// We don't want to bother with IE6, so we simply hide ALL STYLES from it.
// That makes the page somewhat useable without much work
engine property

Engine detection is a messy business because not all browsers anounce their engine and engine versions in the user agent string. To make the engine property work, in some cases it has to be passed the browser name an version number instead of the actual engine!

// Webkit browsers usually tell us their engine, so we can target them easily

// IE7 doesn't tell us that it uses an engine called Trident 3.1, so we have to use the browser name and version number as a fallback

As with browser versions, engine version numbers must be floats too. To target WebKit 525.27.1 you have to write engine:webkit=525.271.

To exclude engines, use the ^ operator as usual:

// No red text for webkit

You can use the following values for the engine property:

  • gecko
  • webkit
  • khtml

For all other engines (like Presto in Opera and Trident in IE) you have no choice but to target the Browser and its Version.

Automatic browser bugfixes and enhancements

Tries to fix some common browser rendering and behavior bugs automatically.

Bugs fixed and enhancements by this plugin

  • IE6: Image margin bottom bug
  • IE6: Background image flickers on hover
  • IE6: Float double margin bug
  • IE6: Adding support for min-height
  • IE6: Adding support for transparent PNG files (Source)
  • IE6: Adding support for :hover on all elements (Source)
  • IE6 and 7: <button> styleability (Source)
  • Firefox: Ghost margin around buttons (Source)

Note: there is no guarantee that the plugin will catch all cases in which a bug from the above list will occour. The goal is to reduce the time spent on fixing css, not to do away with manual bugfixing completly.


Just add bugfixes to your @turbine plugins rule. Done!


Smart color models for older browsers

The colormodels plugin enables the CSS color declarations rgba(), hsl() and hsla() for browsers that usually don't support them. It works by transforming the original declarations to somthing the browser that is currently used can understand.


Just add colormodels to your @turbine plugins rule. Done!


The following turbine code …

    background:hsla(200, 20%, 20%, 0.5)

… is recalculated to RGBA for Opera 9, which doesn't support hsla():

p {
    background: rgba(40, 54, 61, 0.5);

For IE, the HSLA declaration is transformed into a proprietary filter:

p {
    background: none;
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#8028363D,endColorstr=#8028363D);
    zoom: 1;

If neither filters nor anything else would work (e.g. in really prehistoric browsers or in IE for non-background properties), a solid color is used:

p {
    background: rgb(40, 54, 61);


Background transparency in IE works with Microsoft's proprietary filter property which may cause unwanted effects in some scenarios. Consider the following:

    background:rgba(200, 0, 0, 0.5)

    background:rgb(200, 0, 0)

Turbine will insert filter property for p:

p {
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#80C80000,endColorstr=#80C80000);
p.foo {
    background: rgb(200, 0, 0);

The problem is that in the browser the filter will also affect p.foo because the p selector of course also matches p.foo. The solution is to explicitly remove any filters from p.foobar:

    background:rgba(200, 0, 0, 0.5)

    background:rgb(200, 0, 0)

Data URIs

Inlines images into the css output.

The Data URI plugin inlines all images smaller than 24kb as base64 encoded as a data URI or, for Internet Explorer, as MHTML. This significantly reduces the number of HTTP requests.


Just add datauri to your @turbine plugins rule. Done!



    background:#FFF url(test.png) top left


#foo {


Adds the correct default styles for HTML5 elements

The HTML5 plugin adds most of the correct default styles for HTML5 elements according to the specifications. Some parts of the specifications (like the font size for headlines in sectioning content) are ignored because they would require an insane amount of css code to implement correctly. Note that for this plugin to work in Internet Explorer you still have to enable HTML5 elements via javascript.


Just add html5 to your @turbine plugins rule. Done!

Legacy inline block support

Enables display:inline-block in older Browsers

This plugin enables display:inline-block in older IE and Gecko Browsers by automatically setting display to -moz-inline-stack rule for Gecko or setting display to inline and adding zoom:1 for IE < 8.


Just add inlineblock to your @turbine plugins rule. Done!




Result in browsers using Gecko < 1.9:

#foo {
	display: -moz-inline-stack;

Result in IE < 8:

#foo {
	display: inline;
	zoom: 1;


Loads another .cssp file.

Loader loads the contents of another .cssp file at the exact location where @load ist placed. It inserts the code of the loaded file before parsing anything, so the contents of the file is subject to all of Turbines operations in the file it is inserted into.

The plugin will automatically take care of any differences in indentation style between the loaded code and the code it is loaded into.


Add load to your @turbine plugins rule and add a @load url(path/to/file.cssp) line where you want a file to be included. Done!

Use cases
  • Building protype libraries (see Recycling prototypes)
  • Share the same set of constants between multiple files (eg. a mobile, print and screen stylesheet)


This is an example of using the loader plugin to create a module to create a module that contains all the colors used in a project.

File style.cssp:

@load url(/modules/colors.cssp)


File /modules/colors.cssp:



#foo {
	color: #C00000;
	background: #EEE;


Performs a number of micro-optimizations.

The minifier plugins shortens hex color declarations, replaces hex colors with shorter named colors when possible, removes units from zero values, removes leading zeros from floats, shortens long margin and padding notation (8px 4px 8x 4px is turned into 8px 4px) and removes whitespace from comma-sepparated strings, saving a bit of space and loading time.


Just add minifier to your @turbine plugins rule. Done!


    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif
    color: #FF0000
    background: #F0FFFF
    margin: 0.5em 0em
    padding: 8px 4px 8px 4px

Result (pretty-printed):

#foo {
	font-family: Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif;
	color: #F00;
	background: azure
	margin: .5em 0;
	padding: 8px 4px;

Compressed result:

#foo{font-family:Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif;color:#F00;background:azure;margin:.5em 0;padding:8px 4px}


Automatically adds vendor-specific versions of opacity.

This plugin automatically inserts all existing vendor prefixed opacity-properties, as well as the corresponding alpha-filter for IE.


Add opacity to your @turbine plugins rule and start using opacity like the standard opacity CSS3 property.


Automatic vendor-specific versions



#foo {
    -moz-opacity: 0.3;
    -khtml-opacity: 0.3;
    -webkit-opacity: 0.3;
    opacity: 0.3;

plus, for IE 8:

	-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=30)";

or for IE 6 & 7:

	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=30);


Inserts language- and country-specific quotation marks.

Different languages and countries use different quotation marks. The quote style plugin allows you to set the contents for the quotes property by language and/or country.


Include quotes in your @turbine plugins rule and start using the quotes property with the values listed below.

Possible quotes values

Value Result Glyphs
german #foo { quotes:'\201E \201C \201A \2018'; } „ “ ‚ ‘
german-alt #foo { quotes:'\00BB \00AB \203A \2039'; } » « › ‹
swiss #foo { quotes:'\00AB \00BB \2039 \203A'; } « » ‹ ›
english-uk #foo { quotes:'\2018 \2019 \201C \201D'; } ‘ ’ “ ”
english-us #foo { quotes:'\201C \201D \2018 \2019'; } “ ” ‘ ’

Reset stylesheet

Includes a reset stylesheet.

Auto-includes a handy set of css rules that unset the default styling for all elements.


Just add resetstyle to your @turbine plugins rule. Done!

Custom reset stylesheets

To use a custom reset stylesheet, rename _custom.css in the directory plugins/resetstyle to custom.css and add your own reset rules there.

Default reset stylesheet

html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
    color: inherit;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    outline: 0;
    font-size: 100%;
    vertical-align: baseline;
    background: transparent;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-decoration: none;
body {
    line-height: 1;
ol, ul {
    list-style: none;
blockquote, q {
    quotes: none;
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
    content: '';
    content: none;
:focus {
    outline: 0;
ins {
    text-decoration: none;
del {
    text-decoration: line-through;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    border-spacing: 0;


Automatically adds vendor-specific versions of transform.

Webkit, Opera and Mozilla browsers require vendor-specific prefixes for the CSS3 property transform. This plugin automatically inserts them wherever a transform property is found and also adds a proprietary filter in conjunction with a behavior for Internet Explorer.

For it to work in Internet Explorer the transformed object needs to have width and height set. Also, if you queue up transforms, limit yourself to a maximum of one of each sort (translate, rotate, scale), e.g. transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5).


Add transform to your @turbine plugins rule and start using transform to declare a single one, or a sequence of transforms. The following values are available:


Rotates the element clockwise around its center by the specified angle, e.g. rotate(30deg). Accepted values: positive and negative integers and floats. Accepted units: deg, rad or grad.

scale(sx[, sy])

Specifies a 2D scaling operation on X and Y axes as described by [sx, sy], e.g. scale(2.1,4). If sy isn't specified, it is assumed to be equal to sx, e.g. scale(2.1). Accepted values: positive integers and floats. Accepted units: no unit needed.


Specifies a 2D scaling solely on the X axis, e.g. scaleX(2.7). Accepted values: positive integers and floats. Accepted units: no unit needed.


Specifies a 2D scaling solely on the Y axis, e.g. scaleY(0.3). Accepted values: positive integers and floats. Accepted units: no unit needed.

translate(tx[, ty])

Specifies a 2D translation as described by [tx, ty], e.g. translate(100px,20px). Accepted values: positive and negative integers and floats. Accepted units: px, em, %, pt or ex.


Translates the element by the given amount along the X axis, e.g. translate(100px). Accepted values: positive and negative integers and floats. Accepted units: px, em, %, pt or ex.


Translates the element by the given amount along the Y axis, e.g. translate(20px). Accepted values: positive and negative integers and floats. Accepted units: px, em, %, pt or ex.

skew(ax[, ay])

Skews the element around the X and Y axes by the specified angles, e.g. skew(30deg,-10deg). If ay isn't provided, no skew is performed on the Y axis., e.g. skew(30deg). Accepted values: positive and negative integers and floats. Accepted units: deg, rad or grad.


Skews the element around the X axis by the given angle., e.g. skewX(30deg). Accepted values: positive and negative integers and floats. Accepted units: deg, rad or grad.


Skews the element around the Y axis by the given angle., e.g. skewY(-10deg). Accepted values: positive and negative integers and floats. Accepted units: deg, rad or grad.

matrix(a, c, b, d, tx, ty)

Specifies a 2D transformation matrix comprised of the specified six values

Multiple transforms

Multiple transforms may be queued together, separated by a whitespace, e.g. transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5). Note that the parts will get processed one by one from left to right. So in the mentioned example the translation won't happen along the X axis but on a virtual axis that is rotated 25 degrees clockwise.



    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5)

Result for non-IE-browsers:

#foo {
	width: 200px;
	height: 100px;
	-moz-transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5);
	-o-transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5);
	-webkit-transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5);
	transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5);

Result for IE8-browsers:

#foo {
	width: 200px;
	height: 100px;
	position: relative;
	transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5);
	left: 91px;
	top: 38px;
	behavior: url(/Turbine/plugins/transform/transform.htc);
	-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(Dx=1.0,Dy=1.0,M11=0.453153895,M12=-0.21130913,M21=0.21130913,M22=0.453153895,sizingMethod='auto expand')";
	zoom: 1;

Result for IE6/7-browsers:

#foo {
	width: 200px;
	height: 100px;
	position: relative;
	transform: rotate(25deg) translate(100px,0) scale(0.5);
	left: 91px;
	top: 38px;
	behavior: url(/Turbine/plugins/transform/transform.htc);
	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(Dx=1.0,Dy=1.0,M11=0.453153895,M12=-0.21130913,M21=0.21130913,M22=0.453153895,sizingMethod='auto expand');
	zoom: 1;

Meta plugins

Meta plugins enable a group of other plugins.

Meta plugins enable a group of related plugins. If, for expample, you wanted to use lots of CSS3 properties, you don't have to write plugins:boxshadow, borderradius, transform, transistion and simply use plugins:css3, which will enable all plugins from the previous list. There are four core meta plugins available: CSS3, Performance, Legacy and Utility.


Activates all other plugins that enable advanced CSS properties:

  • Background gradient
  • Box sizing
  • Border radius
  • Box shadow
  • Colormodels
  • Opacity
  • Transform


Activates all other plugins that improve performance:

  • DataURI
  • Minifier


Activates all other plugins that help you to support older browsers:

  • Bugfixes
  • Inline block


Activates all other plugins that add helpful utilities:

  • Simple @font-face
  • Quote style



Turbine is free open source software (LGPL) and development takes place on GitHub, a hosting platform for the excellent distributed version control system Git. Github membership is free and makes helping your favourite open source project really easy. See the following video for details.

Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Wanstrath and Scott Chacon — Git, GitHub and Social Coding

Everybody is welcome to fork Turbine and start contributing!

Plugin development

Plugin development for Turbine is rather simple. All you need is a file called plugin_name.php containing a function of some sort (usually named plugin_name()), located in the plugins directory. The function must accept only one argument, which is passed as a reference (see the PHP manual on references). The contents of this argument depends on the hook the plugin is assigned to:

Hook Time of execution Argument
before_parse Before the .cssp files are parsed Reference to an array containing the lines of the original .cssp files
before_compile After parsing, before applying Turbine core features (inheritance and the like) Reference to an array containing the parsed Turbine code
before_glue After compilation and cssp magic, just before the output ist generated Reference to an array containing the parsed Turbine code
before_output After generating the output of one .cssp file, before combining the output with other files Reference to a string containing the final css output from the current .cssp file


To hook into Turbine you need to call the register_plugin() function using three arguments: the hook, an execution priority and your plugin function's name:

    register_plugin('before_compile', 0, 'mypluginfunction');

It is recommended to leave the execution priority at 0 unless early oder late execution of the plugin is really important. A higher priority means earlier execution.

Array structure

When using before_compile or before_glue the array recieved as the argument for the plugin function will look like this:

    [@media foo] => Array
        [#bar] => Array
            [property1] => Array
                [0] => value
            [property2] => Array
                [0] => value
    [@media bar] => Array
        [#bar] => Array
            [property1] => Array
                [0] => value
            [property2] => Array
                [0] => value1
                [1] => value2
                [2] => value3

CSS rules that are not part of any @media block a stored in the global block. A property may contain more than one value. Properties that start with an underscore are considered hidden/special properties. They will usually not apprar in the final css output like normal properties.

  • All @font-face and @import statements are stored in sepperate arrays in the global block.
  • All @cssp statements appear in their respective blocks as @css-X elements with X being a consecutive number. All @css-X elements have only one property, _value, which contains the raw CSS code from the@cssp statement.

Example array

Given the following Turbine input code …

@import url(foobar.css);




@media screen

        margin, padding:4px

… the array that plugin functions recieve on before_compile will be the following:

    [global] => Array
        [@import] => Array
            [0] => Array
                [0] => url(foobar.css);
        [@font-face] => Array
            [0] => Array
                [font-family] => Array
                    [0] => "Example"
                [src] => Array
                    [0] => url("example.otf")
        [span.test] => Array
            [color] => Array
                [0] => blue
                [1] => green
    [@media screen] => Array
        [#foo div.bar] => Array
            [margin, padding] => Array
                [0] => 4px

The array that plugin functions recieve on before_glue will most likely be slightly different because Turbine and some plugins will by then have already done their work. The margin, padding property would for example already be expanded to two sepperate properties:

[@media screen] => Array
    [#foo div.bar] => Array
        [margin] => Array
            [0] => 4px
        [padding] => Array
            [0] => 4px

Plugin example

In case you wanted your plugin to remove all occurences of background-image from your stylesheets, this would be the code:

     * remove_background_image.php
     * Remove all occurences of background-image
    function remove_background_image(&$parsed){
        // Loop through the @media blocks
        foreach($parsed as $block => $css){
            // Loop through the selectors
            foreach($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles){
                // Look for background-image in the styles
                    // Be gone!
        // No need to return anything

    // Hook into Turbine
    $cssp->register_plugin('before_compile', 0, 'remove_background_image');

Don't be afraid to do anything CPU- or memory consuming in your plugins - in production mode, everything is calculated only once and is served from the cache afterwards.

Useful classes and methods for plugin development

$cssp->report_error(string $message)

Reports a big ugly error message when in debug mode.

$cssp->report_error('Something went wrong!');

static CSSP::comment(array $element, string $property, string $comment)

Adds a css comment to an element when not compressing. If $property is null, the comment is added to the selector, otherwise to the property $property.

CSSP::comment($parsed['global']['#foo'], 'color', 'Changed by my plugin!');


#foo {
    color: red; /* Changed by my plugin! */
$cssp->get_final_value(array $values [, string $property [, bool $compressed]])

From an array of css values this method returns the value with the highest rank, i.e. the last value or the last value with !important.

// Returns "green"

// Returns "blue !important"
    'blue !important',

The property parameter can be used to handle special cases like -ms-filter where values must be combined:

// Returns "foo bar"
), '-ms-filter');

If $compressed is true, the method will return a minified output.

$cssp->insert(array $elements, string $block [, string $before[, string $after]])

Inserts $elements in the block $block before the element with the selector $before or after the element with the selector $after.

$example_element = array(
	'#foo' = array(
		'color' => array('red')

// Insert before "#bar" in the global block
$cssp->insert($example_elements, 'global', 'bar');

// Insert after "#bar" in the "@media print" block
$cssp->insert($example_elements, '@media print', null, 'bar');

This only works directly with $cssp->parsed and not with the reference passed to the plugin function!

The $browser instance

Turbine's browser sniffer is developed as a subproject. By the time any plugin in Turbine gets executed, the browser sniffer will already have parsed the visitor's user agent string. The following variables might be useful:

Variable Contains Possible values
$browser->browser Browser name (Lowercase string) A browser name (e.g. "safari") or the name of the larger family the browser belogs to. For example Flock and Songbird would be detected as "firefox"
$browser->browser_version Browser version (Float) The browser's version number as a float value. Firefox 3.6.4 would be detected as "3.64".
$browser->engine Browser engine (lowercase string) Contains the browser's engine if this information is available from the user agent string (usually the case in Webkit and Gecko browsers) or otherwise the browser's family name (Opera, IE)
$browser->engine_version Browser engine version (Float) The browser's engine version number as a float value. Gecko would be detected as "1.923".
$browser->platform OS name (lowercase string) Contains the user's operating system name (e.g. "Windows", "Mac", "Linux" or "Unix")
$browser->platform_version OS version (Float) Contains the user's operating system version if this information is available from the user agent string (eg. "5.1" for Windows XP or "10.5" for OS X Leopard)
$browser->platform_type Platform type (Lowercase string) Either "Desktop" or "Mobile"

When the browser sniffer failes to detect one of the above properties, the lowercase string "unknown" is used.

Style guide


  1. Comment your Code! Seriously. Do it!
  2. PHPDoc is required for all functions and class methods/variables. Describe what your code does, provide a usage example, tells us if it is stable or alpha/beta, which version it is, which parameters it takes and what it returns.
  3. Indentation is tabs only. See code example for brace positioning.
  4. No omitting of braces around blocks. The ternary operator is allowed for simple cases only.
  5. Most important: Use Common Sense! Don't write spaghetti code. Don't let lines run too long. Break up complex stuff into subroutines
  6. Class names: CamelCase, initial majuscule
  7. Method, function, variable and plugin names: Lowercase, initial minuscule

Example code


 * example
 * A great example. Does something cool.
 * @param array $param1 The first param
 * @param int $param2 The second param
 * @return bool
function example($param1, $param2){
    global $g1, $g2;
    $length = count($param1);
    for(i = 0; i < $length; $i++){
        // A helpful comment explaining why the sub function is called
    return false;

 * example_subfunction
 * A secondary example. Related to example somehow
 * @param string $param Some explanation
 * @return void
function example_subfunction($param){
    if($param == 1){



CSS to Turbine converter

The CSS to Turbine Converter transforms normal CSS code into ready-to-use Turbine code. Note that the converter is a rather simple script and only changes the syntax of the input code! It doesn't use any of the more sophisticated Turbine features. It can help you migrate a project to Turbine but should not be used for more as a starting point.


Paste code, change indentation settings, click "Convert!". Done!

Turbine shell

The Turbine Shell is a simple playground for Turbine. Simply enter some HTML and Turbine code, configure the browser variables, click "Go!" and see the results! You can use all turbine plugins, constants, aliases and all other features. After checking the "Interactive mode" checkbox at the bottom the result frames will be updated after every keystroke.


Add code, change browser variables, click "Go!". Done!


Why should I use Turbine?

Turbine speeds up your CSS development and increases your productivity. It allows you to build more websites in less time, charge more for less work or just concentrate on things that are more important than tweaking CSS code, like design or content. And that's pretty much it.

What are the tradeoffs?

  1. Turbine uses the input css files to generate completely new CSS code that won't necessarily look very much like it's source. That means that css debugging tools like Firebug may not be very useful anymore, depending on how many of Turbine's features and plugins you actually use.
  2. The CSS selectors generated by Turbine are usually not as efficent as human-written CSS would be.

What about non-server environments? Can I use Turbine from my editor/php-cli and use the generated css code as static content?

Turbine would problably work to some extend but many of it's operations (mostly plugins) depend on user-agent sniffing and on devlivering slightly different css code to different user agents.

What about performance?

For most cases, Turbine does more good to your website's performance than it does have a negative impact on it. Not only can Turbine output compressed CSS code, but all the calculations in Turbine only happen once per file and user agent. This result is then cached and used for as long as you don't change the source file, and if it already served that particular user agent. The resulting files are served compressed using Zlib output compression in 2KB chunks if available, or alternatively Gzip. Additionally Turbine checks whether a user agent already downloaded our current styles and, if that's true, tells it to use its cached version. This way Turbine uses as little processing time on the server as possible, reduces transfer times and saves traffic.

In order to improve performance even more, you can minify CSS with the Minifier plugin, and replace all images referenced in your CSS code with embedded data URIs using the DataURI plugin.

In short: unless you are a complete performance nerd that knows every trick by heart and has too much time at hands, Turbine will improve your website's performance.

Is Turbine ready for real projects?

Of course! The following websites all use Turbine:

How can i disable Turbine's cache?

Set debug_level in your config.php to anything but 0 to disable the cache.

What does "CSSP" stand for?

CSSP stands for "CSS Plus", Turbine's rather unimaginative working title.

Any general advice?

  1. This is more a disclaimer then a real problem but: Turbine is somewhat experimental software. Expect stuff to break everywhere, all the time. If you encounter bugs, report them!
  2. Try not to mess up your indentation! Turbine is not that good at catching incorrectly indented lines and they will destroy your css in places you'll never expect. So just pay attention to your whitespace.